
SPM ? o.O

Assalamualaikum ~

hey guys ! apa itu SPM ? o.O adakah SPM means SELAMAT PAGI MALAYSIA ? o.O haha. just kidding . how can the biggest exam called selamat pagi malaysia.. --" SPM is Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. yeah of course the exam is really hard for those who do not study at all. yup, that is me ! i'm do not have enough brave to face the exam la.. even you give me a thousand of year pon belum tentu aku bersedia menghadapi  exam tersebut dengan megahnya ! haha. okay, for those yang tak tahu SPM start bila and bagi yang tak berapa nak sedar diri nak SPM tuw, tarikh bermulanya SPM adalah 14 Nov 2011. <-- tarikh tersebut semakin menghampiri ! >.< yeah, aku memang tak sedar diri nak SPM ! even SPM is around the corner, i still have a time to online facebook, berblogging and yang sekutu baginyer. argghh.. how can you get a good result if you do not study. >.< humph !  hate it ! mummy, the facebook is always flirt with me ! saya tak salah. :'( dia yang goda saya ! >.< *ayat saya memang sengal *

after examination is over, aku nak kerja and kumpul duit banyak banyak biar aku dapat tolong ayah aku. then 9 January dah kena apply IPTA. ouh ya ! permohonan IPTA dibuka pada 9 Jan 2012 taw.. ni bagi lepasan SPM 2011 la. kalau nak lebih jelas, Click Sini nanti korang akan masuk ke laman web rasmi kemasukan IPTA. then cari la yang sesuai dengan korang okay ? :)

oh ya ! For those who will take a SPM, Good Luck and do the best for your examination okay ! this is the final year your are in school. let's make our dreams come true ! :D

success is the some of small efforts,
repeated day in and day out.
by Robert Collier. ♥

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