

You came into my life at a time
when i felt nothing was going right for me.
You supported me 
and give me the courage to go on
with your loving and caring ways
Ever since then..
You've become a special part in my life..

but now..

If tears could build a stairways,
and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

I just miss you..
the old you !
Can you come back to me ?
I realize that love you more than a friend.
I'm sorry cause i'd lied before.
Why my ego is that big ? 
And i have to lose you..
I'm sorry cause I LOVE YOU.. 

1 comment:

  1. Salam dik,

    Nak tanya ni adik anak murid Ustazah Che Supiah yg puteh2 tu kan?
    Akak tengah mencari dia sekarang sbb dia ustzah akak dulu
    buleh bg no dia x?
    coment dekat blog akak tapi nnt akak xpublish
    TQ so much in advance :)
