Holla ! Hey guys ! What's up ? It's been a long time that I left this blog. Oh my ! I already forget how to write an essay like I did before. kuang kuang kuang. I'm sorry for leave it my blog and do not update any post after I've entered PTSS. Yeah, I'm kinda busy. I have a lot of assignment to submit and for sure it left a few memories that i can't forget in semester 1. Okay, let me show you one by one. Maybe this post will made your eyes blur because it's too long ! Haha.. Gomen nee ( Japanese language means sorry ).
Firstly, if you did read my older post, I did tell you what class I'm in and who is my room mates. But right now, I want to tell about My group that called as Stylo production. In that team has me, Idhan,Fakhrul and Farhan. Actually they are my best friend, my classmate and my sweet brother. Yeah, I'm only a girl who are surrounded by a boys. Haha.. Who's care ? Haha.
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from left : me, Fakhrul, Idhan,Farhan |
How We Met ?
Okay, this question is kinda hard to answer it. We are classmate, so we do met at class everyday ! So, maybe I should change the question to "How do we get closed ?". Okay, like always, I'm not really friendly. But after we're finished our class ( ni cerita masa kami belum rapat and to be more clarified, this time is when we're just about met at the first class), Iffah and I and I don't really know since when our classmates (boys only) were followed us. Or maybe we did followed them. I don't really remember about that part. We take a seat and just had an easy chat like tanya nama, asal mana and what so ever la. Like always, diorang akan cakap aku sombong sebab aku jarang bercakap. Yes, I admit it. Saya memang susah nak bercakap sebab setiap kali saya bercakap, mesti ada yang tersasul. That's why la aku malas nak bercakap.
After that, someone were told us, yang Matrix card dah siap and boleh ambil dekat Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP). So, we decided to go there together. After that, only me and Idhan je yang tak ada kad matrik. Agak bengang la jugak sebab tunggu punya la lama but then " I'm sorry. Matrix card anda tak ada". So, me, Idhan and Farhan ( just temankan Idhan) decide nak tunggu orang tu buat kad baru. Masa ni la kami jadi rapat. Idhan yang mulanya nampak sombong and agak pendiam, bercakap tak berhenti. Wohoo ! Sungguh aku terkejut ! I thought Idhan are annoying and perasan handsome ( actually, memang betul pon dia perasan handsome) but that time dia tunjukkan perangai dia yang kuat bercerita. Agak funny jugak la cerita dia. And blablabla. Banyak betul cerita dia. But then, kitorang dipanggil untuk buat kad matrik. Suddenly, aku teringat yang aku tak pernah bagi apa apa gambar sebab masa pendaftaran modul, aku tak berapa sihat. So, Idhan dapat kad matrik dia. And he look very happy to have it. -.-" Then because of I didn't has any gambar on that time, so kena lah cari masa lain untuk buat matrik kad tu. After that, masa on the way nak balik hostel, aku pon dengan muka ala ala tak malu, mintak phone number Idhan and Farhan. That's because I do not has my classmate's phone numbers. Then sejak dari tu kami rapat. Aku rapat dengan fakhrul pulak sebab dia join kelab teater. Dari situ aku mula rapat dengan diorang berempat. Always together.
Okay, the end of this part. I will update a new entry for tomorrow. No worries, I had a thousands story that I want to share in this blog.. Okay, Gotta go.. Sayonara ~ :D
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