Assalamualaikum ~
hey guys ! this is the last post before i'm going to focus on my study. the SPM examination is coming and i'm not ready to take the exam even the exam is just only 2 days longer. mueheheh. okay, let's start the story ! beberapa hari yang lalu, emosi aku tak berapa stabil. and of course i need to rest and study for my exam plus, i have to solve a few things. so aku agak stress. cara aku nak hilangkan stress, sangat mudah. caranya, bawak aku pergi ke tepi pantai or anywhere yang ada kene mengena dengan nature. aku memang suka duduk tepi pantai sambil merasakan angin bayu yang menyapa pipi.. ahhhh.. selesa gila ! *okay, aku agak jiwang !* so the story is begin...
aku mintak kat ayah aku supaya dia bawak aku pergi pantai sebab aku rasa agak stress. plus aku nak sangat tenagkan fikiran. mulanya, ayah aku sangat malas nak bawak aku. but then, dia tetap bawak aku jugak sebab aku da nak exam. actually, nak and ayah aku suka bagi kejutan untuk anak anak dia. and yes! aku sangat sayang mak and ayah aku ! diorang bawak aku pergi sana and aku pon menenangkan fikiran. best giler ! aku senyum jew ! air pasang time tuw. cantik sangat pemandangan dia. I LOVE ALLAH ! because He gave me a chance to see this realm and enjoyed it ! and now, all my stress are moving out from my heart and my mind.
okay, malas nak cakap banyak banyak. aku ada snap beberapa picture. take a look ! :D
my mom ! *candid* |
Nobody can replace her place in my heart ♥ |
the beautiful view.. 6pm |
i love this pic ! it will remind me about the calm feelings ! |
both of them is my true love and
i love them so much ♥ |
the happiness is came from the sincere heart ♥ |
i hope that i can see it again and over again ! |
His creature is really amazing ! |
the beautiful view can make me feel calm.. |
hand , the sun and the ocean.. |
this is the last picture before we were leave the Pantai Morib |
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