
  Unforgivable sins

We've start with hi
Then we've become enemy 
I don't know why suddenly my heart is beating fast when I'm with you
I try to hold it
But it can't 
So I let you know..

I thought it was good when I let you know
But I don't know 
I'm happy
I've started to accept you in my life
I've started to feel blossom in my heart
I know it just for awhile
But I decide to enjoy with it
But it suddenly changed!

We've faced so many problem together
We've try to become stronger 
We've face it together..


It changed !
We're going too far..
We've feel too confidence that our relationship will not going to broke
Until the true problem comes to us
We've lost !

Now and then
I know that the fate is wrong
Our love is not that strong
Even though we've try to get back but it never be the same like before..

You've changed !
I'd changed !
Maybe this is our fate
We've love each other
We've stand together
But at last we've failed to stand together
We've failed to love each other like back then

Love in your heart is fade
Maybe this is our fate
Our love is stand only for 3 years
We've lose

Last words,
I'm glad to know you
I'm happy when I'm with you
You've teached me how to become stronger
And I do love you until now
That's feeling will never fade..

  I've Lost The Most Precious Things In My life

Hey My Dear,
I'm sorry for everything I've done to you,
I do regret everything now,

I'm suffered because I let you go,
I'm Suffered because I miss you so much,
I'm suffered for everything what I've done to you.

Dear sweetheart,
I just want you to know that I'm always love you,
I'm sorry for my mistakes,
I know that you cant forgive me,
But I'm sorry
I do regret for all my mistakes

Dear My love,
I know that I've lost you already
I want you back,
If I could turn back time...

Dear My Precious,
I can't turn back time,
I'm sorry for what I've done,
Now I've learned that I can't live without you,
but now,
I have to face reality that you are gone
I can't have you
I have to face it even though I know that I'm not strong enough

I'm sorry
I Miss you
I've lost you
I just want you back but I know it can't be happen

I've regret for letting you go
At the end, I have to accept that I've lost the most precious things in my life
I miss you my sweetheart
No one can replace your place inside of my heart.

  Sem 2 sem yang memenatkan !

Assalamualaikum ~

Hey guys. What's up ? Okay, aku malas nak membebel panjang panjang. Just nak cerita tentang what had happened in my second semester. Okay, for sure my second semester is quite challenging. Seriously , really challenging ! Antara sebab sebabnya ialah :

1) Banyak grouping assignment yang menyebabkan aku tak dapat tidur malam.
2) Kena manage Kelab teater but at last tak buat apa apa event langsung. *sigh* ( disappointed).
3) Stress kena pulau. *sigh* ( disappointed and hope next semester will be alright )
4) Almost didn't have a time to sleep well.
5) Too much problem.

Ya Allah ! See ? This is just a few. Belum lain lain masalah lagi. *sigh*. Even though I had so much problem but I have some friends to help me to get up and never giving up. Antaranya ialah :

1) Syed Muhammad Idhan. ( My beloved Boyfriend.)
 - Idhan is my special one and he's my bodyguard kat Perlis. Couple since 13th January and teman bergaduh aku sepanjang hari. Dia seorang pembuli !

2) Nor Fakhrul Razi ( My beloved brother )
 - Lai lai lai. Fakhrul is my second bodyguard ! Muehehhe. Dialah bodyguard, dialah abang yang selalu jaga aku and dia jugak lah kawan yang selalu bantu aku.

3) Muhammad Farhan ( My beloved big brother )
- Big brother kah ? Haha. Disebabkan dia paling tua diantara kitorang so dialah bodyguard, abang, kawan yang paling sulung.. Haha. Dia suka marah aku. -.-

4) Nurul Nazihah ( My Kakak ! )
- Ni ha ! Kakak aku kat Perlis. Dia selalu jaga aku.. Tidur pon nak sama sama. Gedik betul ! Haha. Tapi takpe, aku sayang dia. Haha.. Dia selalu pujuk aku and bagi nasihat kat aku. Kakak la katakan.. Haha..

5) Ramai la lagi ! penat nak sebut sorang sorang. Afiqah, Fais, Wawa, Izzudin, Basirah and seangkatan dengannya.

Second semester ni aku belajar tentang bahagian pre-production ( before shooting). Ni antara subjek subjek yang aku belajar semester 2 ni :

1) Cinematography
- Subject ni kena buat event kat sekolah, Mini project ( buat short documentary), belajar tentang scene scene dalam movie, camera movement and etc. Awesome ! Best ! Especially dapat merayau pergi Alor Setar dengan budak budak satu course naik bas poli.

2) Storyboarding
- Subject ni tak susah tapi kejam ( bagi aku la). Kenapa aku cakap subject ni kejam ? Sebab kitorang kena create cerita then melukis and mewarna. Yang best part presentation ( Group Presentation). Even gugup sebab takut salah cerita, kena cover ketakutan ! Haha. Masa kitorang create cerita ni, berapa banyak kali entah kena reject dengan lecturer. But at last tambah perisa and gabung idea aku, Idhan and Farhan. So end up dengan project yang bertajuk 'The Icy Jack'.

3) Introduction to the video production.
- subject ni susah ! Serious susah ! Kena contact orang luar untuk dapatkan maklumat. Banyak nota kena salin. Banyak bende yang kena ambik kira before settle satu satu kerja. The whole things kerja grouping tapi memang memeningkan kepala. Dalam subject ni jugak presentation kitorang hampeh. Haha.. Takpe, belajar dari kesilapan.

4) Audio Video technology.
- subject ni mula mula nampak susah but practical dia boleh dikategorikan sederhana susah. Kenapa ? Sebab banyak nota yang buatkan aku tertidur masa lecturer membebel kat depan. Seriously, banyak gila nota ! Masuk je kelas, dah menguap. Haish.. Teruk betul ! -.-" Tapi untuk subject ni group kami dapat full marks ! *bangga*

5) Agama Islam
- subject ni kitorang belajar tentang seni dalam Islam. Kami kan budak seni, so kami kenalah belajar tentang seni Islam. Kelas sempoi habis ! Ada singing, borak and gaming.

6) Digital imaging.
- subject ni belajar tentang nak handle Adobe Photoshop. Sampai sekarang aku masih terkial kial nak edit gambar lagi. *sigh* Tapi takpe, still have a time isn't ? Relax and cool !

7) Creative thinking
- Subject ni senang lulus and senang gagal. Tataw kenapa aku cakap macam tu. Haha. Tapi subject ni je 1 jam setiap minggu. Best kan ? Haha.

8) Kokurikulum
- Subject ni aku pilih Taekwondo. Setiap hari rabu, malam aku kena turun pergi pusat sukan. Main tendang tendang, tumbuk and lari lari. Best jugak sebab aku teringat kat Sir Amza ! Rindu kat Sir Firdaus and Sir Amza. Pergi tournament, dapat medal gangsa. Kira okay la tu dari tak dapat apa apa medal kan. Tapi masa pergi tournament tu, Idhan, Fakhrul and Farhan tinggalkan aku kat Perlis and merayap kat Langkawi. Untung la ~ Sedih gila kena tinggal T.T

Okay la. sampai sini je entry aku kali ni. Next time kalau aku rajin, aku update lagi. Bye bye !


Assalamualaikum ~

Hey guys ! What's up ? Ramai dari korang semua maybe tengah sunyi sepi, sedih dan berduka lara macam aku sekarang.. Tapi aku tak la 100% berduka lara sebab terselit jugak kebahagiaan yang Allah still simpan untuk aku. Yang mampu buat aku tetap and terus kekal Kuat ! :') *macam iklan sabun basuh baju dah aku tengok* Thanks Allah for sending me someone that still cared for me.

Capital S, this post is for you.

My sweetest friend, I'm sorry if I'd make mistakes. Aku tak pasti silap aku kat mana. Kau tak pernah terangkan kenapa kau tiba tiba benci aku. Aku tak salahkan kau tiba tiba kau marah marah aku. Aku terpaksa anggap semua tu just dugaan. Aku ni pon manusia biasa. Maaf sebab tak bagi perhatian masa kau cakap dengan aku sebab kau salah timing. Seriously, berat bagi aku nak accept and hadam apa yang kau cakap tu bulat bulat. Especially part kau cakap "AKU BENCI KAU". Aku sayang kau tapi aku tak faham conflict apa yang jadi antara kita berempat. Aku tak pernah benci kau. Tak pernah sekali pon. Aku pon manusia biasa. Walaupun aku nampak kuat tapi aku tetap ada hati dan perasaan.

Apa perasaan kau bila tiba tiba kawan yang kau sayang tak bercakap dengan kau? Abaikan kau ?  Kau boleh terima ke ? Aku keluar dengan empat orang tu pon sebab aku nak bagi masa untuk kau fikir apa yang terbaik untuk diri kau. Sorry kalau buat kau sakit hati. Aku sayang kau ! Menyakitkan bila orang yang kita sayang tiba tiba menjauh tanpa sebab. Aku cuma ada empat orang tu je. Dulu aku ada 8 orang yang sentiasa ada kat sisi aku, tapi sekarang semua dah pergi. Sakit Okay !

Sorry la kalau tiba tiba aku balik rumah tanpa sebab. Ye ! Aku nak lari dari korang. Aku duduk bilik yang ada 4 orang tapi aku rasa macam aku duduk sorang sorang. Hati aku sakit. Aku nak cari ketenangan. Maaf kalau buat kau terasa. Maaf sangat sangat.. Aku harap kau baca apa yang aku type ni.


  My life as DDV's student

Assalamualaikum ~

Hai hai ~ Okay, before this I'd promise to story morry about my life as students right ? Tapi tapi tapi.. I'm so sorry because didn't have a time to upload so many things here. So sorry. Okay la.. Let's check this out ~

My Artwork !

Hey ! This is my final project for drawing skills subject. I only use 1 day to finished this drawing. This is my last minute drawing. Mula mula aku lukis gambar tupai nak ambil kacang dari tangan orang but suddenly, that drawing tertinggal dalam bas masa aku nak balik ke Perlis. Even though I know I didn't have so much time to draw it again, but I made up my mind to create a new one. Thanks Allah ! I made it on time ! 

Nah ! This is the drawing that I left on the bus.. Seriously, I've put so much effort here but then it left on the bus. How sad ! T.T

Okay this picture are sure not awesome. Aku tak buat betul betul. Grid drawing. 

Okay, tu je yang dalam simpanan aku.. Yang lain dah sampai kat lecturer and tak sampai balik kat tangan aku. Sedih kan ? haha. Ada gambar untuk art and design subject but soft copy untuk semua gambar, tak ada kat aku. So sad ! T.T 

Ouh ya ! Last but not least, I want to congrats to myself because I've got 3.55 pointer in a first sem ! Yeah ! I did it ! :D AKJ ( Anugerah Ketua Jabatan) Hope the next sem my pointer will not go down. Hope so..

Okay, kita teruskan dengan script writing punya assignment. Tak susah and tak senang untuk subject ni.. Apa yang tak susah ? Yang tak susah tu bab pergi kelas. Sebab biasanya kami hanya pergi kelas untuk bentangkan our project je. It's fun ! But tak senang tu pulak, bahagian markah. Yup. It's kinda hard to get a marks. Okay, let's check this out.
Okay, dapat upload trailer je. This is just a few of our final project. We have to do some researched. Our project is about Mahsuri.
Ni Izzuddin. We called him Iz. Dia ni DDS's student (Seni Digital)  Dia memang pantang nampak camera. While I'm waiting them for snap Makam Mahsuri's picture, I took some photo with Iz. 

Here it is ! Farhan, our photographer (maybe) Haha. He's in part of editing our final project videos. ( Iz menyibuk ! Haha )

There we are ! Fakhrul as our tour guide. Haha. Nope la. He's our 'kepala' in our final project. Our AHLONG. Haha.. He's in management part.
Ah ! Idhan's picture are not there. Sorry Idhan. You're busy with your stuff so can't take some picture with you.
Stylo Production. I do love them so much ! Without them, for sure my life at PTSS will be bored. Thanks Allah for sending me the sweet, tough, cute, and crazy friend like them :)

Okay, habis part tu, kita pergi part final project untuk Photography pulak. Susah ? Tak la susah sangat. Tapi boleh sasau la jugak buat project ni. Our first idea is Parkour. But we've changed it. It's kinda hard to do it. So we changed to Martial Art. We've go to Alor Star ( for shooting) and Jawi, Perak (Kampung Fakhrul) But got rejected from our lecturer. Then we ended up to  do something easy and do like professional. ( Oh ! Bajet sungguh !) We're not only do our assignment only, but we've go to travel too. Okay, check this out ! 

Me ! At Taman Ular, Perlis.

He's cute ! Love his eyes ! :3 Fais asseri. DHK's students ( Hotel Catering )

After watching some monkey, they wanna be like them ! Haha :P *caption yang agak kejam!*

Only one girl ? Ouh yeah ! They are my body guard ! Haha :P

Stylo Production : Buat assignment and Makan angin ~ :3

I love this view ! Thanks Farhan ! :D

Tasou Lake. A damn beautiful places ! SubhanaAllah :)

Farhan get along with the camera. Memory penuh dambar dia ! Haha.

Camdid ! Hampeh betul photographer ni -.-" ( dunno whether Fakhrul or farhan as Paparazi -.-")

Candid again. But beautiful ! Love it !

A part of our assignment. Snap some picture for final project.

Muka poyo and kepanasan. Hell yeah ! Even tired, but still get an awesome memories.

Saudara mereka yang sudah lama terpisah ! ( Fakhrul, Idhan and Fais)

Muka teruja dapat jumpa sahabat lama ! :P

Okay, done with photography. Okay, about my club pulak. Kelab teater, kelab yang paling aku aktif. Aku ada join kelab Fasilitator but 1 event pon aku tak join. Tak ada masa and selalunya mesti ada event lain yang clash dengan event fasi ni. So aku aktif kat kelab teater je la. Okay, sebelum ni aku ada post tentang Program berbuka Puasa di rumah kanak kanak perlindungan Arau, yup, that's my first time handle event. Memang seram, takut, nervous. Haha. Macam macam perasaan ada time tu. But at last event tu berjalan lancar. Thanks Allah ! Second event is IN-TEM (Interaksi bersama ahli kelab teater muzikal). 

Sorry la.. Tak ada gambar untuk second event. Okay la.. Gotta go.. Mahu mandi and relax. Penat dah mata asyik menghadap laptop. Daa..